I joined the hiking group for another desert trek into the far
southeast corner of San Diego County (and into Imperial County as
well). We started at Mountain Springs right off the 8 just east of the
Desert View Tower. The storm was being stopped by the mountains but the
high winds were pushing a lot of moisture east so we started hiking with
our backs getting wet. This hike almost all cross-country as we winded
our way to a large wash that was our first landmark. We hit the wash
and started upstream. There was plenty of water to soak all the palms
in the canyon. After a bit we entered a flatter area that lead into
Myer's Valley. We spotted a nice peak and decided to bag it. As we
climbed the ridge up, the winds were brutal. It was a bit better
staying below the ridgeline and we made the peak without too much
effort. After a quick lunch on top, we headed down Pinto Canyon. Pinto
Canyon had great rock formations reminiscent of Joshua Tree NP. The
goal was to find some pictographs but it was decided they would be too
far so we turned around. We followed a different wash to start the
return leg but then merged with our inbound route back to car. It was
pretty cold and wet as we got near the car and the storm still looming
in the mountains overhead. Overall a great hike in a very unused area
of the country.
Rainbow over Mountain Springs |
Clouds in the desert |
Goodie bag |
Pinto Canyon |
Blue sky |
Rock meets palm tree |